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Ecommerce Analytics for Your Store... Simplified


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2. Group Data by Tags

Ever want a report on just a subset of your products? Mark certain products within Shopify with a unique "tag" and see a report of just those products that you tagged. This is a great functionality to tag items that can span across collections that don't already fit in a predetermined list.

Look at any product and see all the customers who purchased that products along with other data like the customer lifetime value of people who purchased that product. You can also see products that are commonly purchased with it. Use this insight as a way to setup cross-sell emails or cross-selling items in Shopify.

3. Product and Bundling Insights

Finally, an easy way to see your profitability of your products and not just the gross revenue. Input the cost of each product or you can upload the cost per product individually or in bulk with a CSV upload.

1. COGS Data into Reports

Understand your customers by looking at any of the pre-built 20+ segments. If that's not enough, build your own segments of your customers by filtering any combination of fields.

4. Customer Segments and Filtering

Your ad reporting typically shows you the last click attribution or within a predefined number of days. Instead, look at your customers by who brought in the prospect from the first contact. Also, you can see not just the return on ad spent, but the entire lifetime value of the customer generated from an ad campaign.

5. Ad Sources by Initial Lead

Profitability by product at your fingertips

Strategically tag products to measure performance

Increase your AOV with optimized bundling

Segment customers to increase engagement

Centralized Business Intelligence & single source reporting is now easier than ever.

From viewing COGS data at a store level to measuring ROAS for a particular facebook ad, Glew will enable you to make data-driven business decisions to increase revenue and maximize profit.

True ROAS by Channel

Top Benefits of Glew for Shopify Merchants

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